No 146, Broadway street, Didcot, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom   +44 (0) 1235 797438

In-Country Representation

In-Country Representation

Medical device regulations in most countries require foreign manufacturers to appoint an in-country representative. Your representative acts as your liaison to regulatory authorities and assists with device registrations and vigilance/adverse event reporting. It’s important to choose a representative who is familiar with the regulatory requirements for your product to act in the best interest of your company.

Global representation through one point of contact

With offices around the world, Ricosolutions can serve as your in-country representative in major medical device markets like the US and Europe and emerging markets like India and Iran. There’s no need to deal with countless distributors or vendors for different services and territories. We can help you expand your market reach through our local offices and partnerships in the following countries:

  • Europe Authorised Representative (EC REP)
  • Saudi Arabia Authorized Representative
  • United Kingdom UKRP
  • United States FDA US Agent
  • Islamic Republic of Iran AR
  • Swiss Authorised Representative (CH REP)